Construction Loans
Construction loans in Australia are tailored for financing the construction of a new property or building. These loans are typically short-term and are disbursed in stages or “progress payments” as the construction progresses. The loan amount is usually based on the estimated value of the completed project.
Refer to our article on fixed price vs cost-plus contracts.
Renovation Loans
There are different types of renovation loans available in Australia, including:
– Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC): This is a revolving line of credit based on the equity of your home. It allows you to borrow against the value of your property as needed for renovations.
– Personal Loan for Renovations: Some lenders in Australia offer personal loans specifically for home renovations. These loans provide a lump sum amount that can be used for various renovation expenses.
– Refinance with Cash-Out: Homeowners can refinance their existing mortgage and take out additional funds to finance their renovation projects. This involves increasing the loan amount and using the extra funds for renovations.

It’s essential to note that specific Australian regulations, guidelines, and loan programs may apply to construction and renovation loans. Consulting with one of Sydney’s top brokers from DeMarque Finance will provide you with more tailored information based on your circumstances and the current Australian market.
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